Monday, January 31, 2011

Small, Frequent Meals And Fat Loss

Eating frequently to lose weight would seem, at first glance, like a contradiction of sorts. When we are aware that what we eat all add up, frequent meals may convey added numbers on the problem. Nevertheless, the word "small" will spell all the difference. One strategy that is very popular in hastening metabolic activity is eating small frequent meals. Knowing that a fast metabolism may increase your luck in fat loss, you will surely appreciate why it is very popular. A more important idea is how do we make it work for us?

When you are having small frequent meals, you have to spread out your meals throughout the entire day. In order to lose fats, women should have 1500 to 1600 calories per day while men should have 2400 to 2500. This was taken through an estimation. For you to get your accurate numbers, you have to factor in your basal metabolic rate, activity levels and lean body mass using the Katch Mcardle equation. You need to eat five to 6 times a day in a small frequent meal plan where six is the maximum and most beneficial for your own health. You should simply divide your total calories by 5 or 6, depending on your plan, in order for you to get the amount of calories for every meal. You need to eat 400 calories per meal, 6 meals a day if you are on a 2400 calorie plan.

It would be necessary for you to taper your calories in order to make your small frequent meal plan more beneficial. This means allocating more calories for breakfast than at any other meal. This can be a good decision due to the fact that we have lesser chances of storing fats when we are active. A lot of people skip breakfast; consume a regular lunch and eat a lot on dinner. This is not what fitness enthusiasts would suggest in order to get lean. You have to eat breakfast early in the day. If you start the day at six, you can fit in five or six small meals. A three hour gap should be given for each meal. The last meal for the day is ideally eaten two to three hours before bedtime.

Consistency is important if you want to lose fat. You cannot just go on and off a fat loss plan depending on your moods. Weekdays are easier compared to weekends because we follow workday routines on weekdays. Weekends tempt us to sleep late and wake up late, making us miss most of our meals in the process. Eating small frequent meals should be a habit and as such should be done everyday.

Small frequent meals speed up metabolic activity leading to increased caloric expenditure. It is admittedly difficult at first but nothing worth having is ever easy. Your efforts are commensurate to the results you get. If you employ the right fat loss strategies and you're willing to work for it, you can reasonably expect success.

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Stamina 1350 Magnetic Recumbent Bike