Saturday, January 15, 2011

Paradigm Shift - A Healthy Lifestyle

It's almost New Year's eve. Right about now, everyone's new year's resolution is probably filled up. There are probably resolutions present last year that are still present this year. In your lists, getting a healthy lifestyle is probably present every new year's. I recall a story I read some time ago. During the early part of January, an irate gym member went to complain to its manager. He asked why there could not provide enough parking space when they ask gym members to pay a lot. Even the 16 treadmills were not adequate because each had a long queue. The manager remained calm and even laughed while telling him that he should give it a month. In less than a month, the number of people attending the gym will gradually disappear. In a month's time, the people attending the gym gradually decreased. The ones who disappeared are people who probably made a resolution to exercise and began to do it. But soon, they quit.

Honestly, I am only guessing their reason for abandoning the gym. They probably chose another way to realize their goal but that's doubtful. They probably have an excuse or two for their actions, if I asked them why. The most common excuse would probably be I was too busy, I had no time. I think that's not true though. I think it's probably because they were not truly committed. Those who are committed make sure they have time for their commitment. They give and pour themselves in it. These people probably needed a shift of paradigm.

This is not an easy task. Why? Because it can get messy. You must find a way to defeat your old way of thinking. Then, you replace it with a new one, a more enlightened one. You must have a strong and firm reason for what you're doing. There must be an enduring reason for your commitment. It must move you to action and motivate you to continue. It must jolt you to action. It is impotent if it cannot make you act on it because in the end you will only fail.

Fighting your own paradigm is like fighting with yourself. You must be vigilant because sometimes we fail to notice the little seemingly innocent acts that lead us back to our old way of thinking or habits. For example, going to the gym. Choosing to participate or not in the gym after work is a daily battle. It is so easy to excuse yourself from it but once you start, you will soon end up skipping it altogether. If you decide to exercise, eat the right food, get enough sleep and refrain from bad habits like smoking and drinking. Then, you must keep on renewing your commitment to it and choose it everyday.

null Acquiring a healthy lifestyle is a broad and challenging task but it is not an impossible one. Shifting from your unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one will allow you to have a more fulfilling and longer life.

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Stamina 15-0200 InTone Folding Recumbent Bike