Monday, January 3, 2011

The Benefits of Pilates

The Pilates system is composed of five hundred controlled exercises that intend to stretch, strengthen and balance the body. Pilates utilizes controlled movements in order to tone and strengthen the body. It is performed while using a special Pilates equipment or a mat. Pilates can provide numeorus benefits. This helps you increase your flexibility, strength and lung capacity. This also enhances posture, balance and strength of core. You will be able to elongate the muscles in your body with Pilates. Pilates was originally developed for the rehabilitation of patients during the World War I. These days, it is already known as a very popular form of exercise.
Concept2 Model E Rowing Machine

There are two ways in performing Pilates wrokouts. One is with the use of an exercise mat. The other is with the use of machines that tone and strengthen the body. The principle of resistance is being applied in both methods. The Pilates was patterned after a number of exercise methods from all over the world. He particularly based it on the formats of Yoga and the Chinese Martial Arts. Joseph Pilates believed that the mind and body are intertwined. It was on this principle where Pilates was founded. This exercise system requires concentration, precision, control, breathing and flowing movements.

The core strength, and the abdominal and pelvic muscles are enhanced with Pilates. They also improve flexibility of the spine by working the butt and back muscles. Most people compare Pilates with Yoga. In Yoga, you hold a pose. A continuous movement is required in Pilates. Pilates is composed of 500 or more exercises. The whole body is engaged in all these exercises. Pilates relies on proper body alignment, thus using all parts of the body to achieve this. Most of the exercises are only repeated ten times. You will have smooth and controlled movements. Your focus is on body alignment, breathing and precision of movement.

To make the most of a Pilates workout, there are some things to remember. You have to keep your focus. Pilates endeavors to unite your body and mind. That's why Pilates exercises are designed to synchronize with one's breathing. This relieves stress and anxiety. Wear comfortable exercise clothes. Any pain or discomfort during exercise is a signal to stop the activity. Do your exercises smoothly. It should flow like a dance. You have the option to perform the exercises faster. Just keep the fluidity of your movements.

Pilates exercises depend on the precision of your execution. Movements should flow smoothly from one pose to the next. Its benefits to health are considerable. Incorporating Pilates into your fitness regimen can help improve posture, balance and over all health.

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