Friday, January 21, 2011

Diet and Fitness Suggestions for the New Year

You can make your New Year resolutions stick by making your goals realistic. You have to start your weight loss expectations in a conservative way. Reducing 10% of your current weight is reasonable enough. This goal should be good for six months to a year. You can read more for some tips for you to start your New Year weight loss plans on the right foot.

You will be able to keep track with your weight by weighing yourself on a regular basis. It gives you a chance to evaluate your weight loss efforts. It also provides you with the data you need to formulate solutions. Utilizing the hunger scale can also be a good idea. You will be providing a corresponding number to the level of your hunger in this scale. For example, zero can correspond to very hungry and ten to stuffed. Seven may be considered full but not overly so. The right time to eat would be 2 or 3. This scale may be costumized depending on your own convenience. You should not allow yourself to go below two or above seven. You can keep your energy levels stable by utilizing this plan.

Eating healthy means that you are able to get all the nutrients your body requires. Half of your plate should be occupied by vegetables. The remaining one fourth should be filled with lean meat, fish and other healthy protein sources. The remaining space is for complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, potatoes or beans. A small sliver of space for good fats such as nuts and avocado should be enough. Downsizing your bowls, cups and plates will surely start your New Year right. It has been revealed in studies that people tend to finish everything placed on their plates or cups. This can be a good way to practice portion control.

Resolve not to punish yourself with exercise if you had a pig out. You will end up hating exercise if you keep on with this practice. Get active to improve sleep, reduce stress and increase energy. Exercise should not only be done when you've had a little too much to eat. It should be a regular part of your fitness plan. Physical activity doesn't just mean hitting the gym. You can burn extra calories by getting up from your desk and stretching every hour or so. Walking around the office every hour or two can provide you with an additional 200 calorie burn every day.

Starting the New Year with the right weight loss strategies inspires you to stick with it throughout the year. Sensible fitness strategies that work toward your health goals are the best solution to your weight problems.

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Polar RS200SD Heart Rate Monitor Watch