Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Exercise: The Natural Alternative for Stress Relief

Stress in constantly incorporated in life. A lot of modern day health problems are also being blamed on stress. Handling life's pressures depend on one's ability to cope with it. Maintain habits that support your innate abilities to cope with stress. This will enable you to minimize its effects. Relieving stress can be easier with exercise which is known to be a very effective way. Exercise is capable of reversing its ill effects especially if paired with a good diet. Exercise may even jump start a lifestyle change. This can motivate you to have habits that will help you relieve stress.
Horizon T100 Treadmill
The emotional and physical strain we experience in response to external pressures is termed as stress. Poor concentration, muscle tension, anxiety, irritability and headaches are some of the characteristics of stress. There will be an increased blood pressure and heart rate when you are tensed. Does this sound familiar? That's because it is almost impossible to live without some form of stress. Most people wouldn't want a stress free life either. Life becomes exciting and more spiced when there is stress. It is when it gets unmanageable that is causes lots of problems. Stress greatly contributes to long term problems in health. Among others, stress can cause heart attacks, strokes, depression and migraines.
You can achieve stress relief by exercising. You will be able to reduce stress with strength training, team sports and cardio exercises. You may also get stress busting effects from exercise classes like Yoga and Pilates. Working out our bodies increase blood flow, and therefore, oxygen. It also facilitates the release of endorphins. Endorphins are brain chemicals that reduce our perception of pain. Their action is similar to regulated pain relievers but differ in two important aspects. Endorphins are naturally occurring and are not addictive. Aside from this, exercise promotes feelings of euphoria. These two are the main reasons why exercise is a powerful stress reliever. Besides, endorphins helps in regulating the appetite plus it enhances the immune system.

For people who toss and turn worrying over the next day's pressures, getting enough sleep can be challenge. Exercise induces natural fatigue. You will be able to recover your strength from getting enough sleep after working out. This makes us cope better with stress. One other casualty of stress is your diet. Stress can suppress or increase appetite. Exercise, through the release of endorphins helps in regulating it.

Life demands a lot from us. Exercising is a productive way to cope with stress. Sleeping and eating well can go a long way towards stress management. Looking good as a result can boost self confidence. This can inspire us to find better options and solutions to what causes our stress.

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