Monday, January 10, 2011

Why Walking Is A Great Workout

With everything else that we have to do nowadays, it's so hard to fit anything in our schedule. We have to deal with our job which takes up most of our day and our life at home. We also have our social life and appointments that we need to keep that exercise is sometimes too much to squeeze in that list. But there is a workout you can do in between your daily activities that will not take a lot of your time. That is the beauty of walking.

Even if it sounds like this exercise is too simple, it actually is enough to give you the workout you need. Even though it is not as intense as other cardio exercises, walking still belongs in that category. Walking also helps in keeping your heart and lungs healthy, improving your blood circulation and it helps you lose weight just like any cardio exercise would. But did you know that walking can do more for you than a high intensity cardio? A study has proven that walking can minimize artery inflammation, which leads to the arteries hardening. Walking is recommended for patients who are in need of exercise to stay strong and for seniors who want to get some exercise as well.

The great thing about walking us that you can do it anywhere, anytime. You can walk to work if you live nearby or you can park at the farthest end of the lot and walk your way to the building. Just by doing 30 minutes of walking a day, you can get the cardio that you need from walking. Other than just walking on an even ground, you can make your exercise a little more difficult by using stairs or walking on inclining places. You can actually lose more weight with this because it makes you exert more effort making you use more energy. One more thing that you can do is changing your walking pace. Walking briskly can give you better results than just walking.

Since walking also helps release endorphins in your body, it also helps you deal with stress. Endorphins are hormones known to give you a feeling of euphoria after you workout giving you a much better mood. And because walking can give you some time alone to think, you are actually able to deal with your stress more than with other exercises. If you start feeling stress from work, you can take a quick break and walk around for a bit. This lowers your stress levels which drags your depression and anxiety levels.

Walking is a mild form of exercise and can be done whenever you want to. It still gives you the same benefits of a cardio workout without getting you too tired. It is a better way to spend your time on too rather than just sit around. Take time to walk for a better you.

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Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 Inversion Table