It's not always easy being the owner of a large piece of electronic equipment. Most folks don't look at their fitness equipment that way, especially treadmill owners, but really, that's exactly what it is. And since you already put out good money for it(hundreds or even thousands of dollars) your owner's manual for that piece of equipment is your best friend. Ouch!
Am I going to tell you that you have to read your manual? Yes. Seriously, trust me on this. Going through it just one time will make sure your baby stays humming with as little glitches as possible for a long time to come. If you let that manual collect dust without ever reading it, look out.
For example, let's say you blow a fuse. Pretty simple fix, right? You just replace it with a new fuse you already have tucked away in your garage somewhere or in your toolbox for your car. Right? Wrong. You must use the fuse recommended by the manufacturer (as stated in the manual) to fix the problem or you risk damaging your treadmill. Yes, reading manuals is boring, but not reading them cost you lots and lots of money down the road. Sometimes the fix is so simple, easy and super cheap, if only you had read the manual.
Read the full article here: Treadmill Maintenance Tips
Here's a cool video on maintaining your treadmill: