In terms of body fat levels, men are more genetically gifted than women. On the average, men have 17% body fat while women have 23%. Women have more body fat due to the hormone estrogen which is the primary sex hormone in females. On the other hand, men have testosterone as their primary sex hormone which is responsible for secondary sex characteristics such as muscle development. Genetically speaking, men are bound to grow muscles. On the other hand, a woman, whose child bearing function is also dictated, carries more fat for reproduction.
The ideal body fat levels differ from the average body fat levels. Gender affects the average body fat and it may vary from different age groups. Every decade, an average citizen of the United States loses 6.6 pounds of lean body mass after reaching the age of 20. The rate at which we lose lean muscle mass increases after reaching the age of 45. Even without any increase in weight, you may have increasing body fat. As muscles shrink, fat accumulates, making out total body fat levels go up. If you want a lean and ripped look, it would be necessary to achieve your ideal body fat levels.
Average body fat levels are not ideal. You may not consider a woman with 25% body fat as ideal though it is average. It is necessary for athletes to drop their body fat levels even lower that those who are non athletes. 10 to 14% for men and 16 to 20 percent for women are the ideal body fat levels for those who are non athletes. These ideal ranges are achievable; anybody can maintain it if one truly wants a lean and ripped body. Having lower body fat levels is necessary for bodybuilders.
There are more than 30 health problems known to man that was partly caused by high body fat levels. Some of these are diabetes, high blood pressure, diseases of the heart, arthritis and some forms of cancer. A man can be considered clinically obese when he hits the 30% body fat mark and borderline at 25%. Women, because they are genetically predisposed to higher body fat levels are considered borderline at 30% and clinically obese at 35%. It is not possible for anybody to have 0% body fat. Proper functioning of glands and internal organs like the nerves, brain, bone marrow, liver and heart depend on what we call "essential fat". The essential fat of women is set at 7 to 8%. This is because it includes fat deposits in the breasts and uterus which makes it possible for them to bear and nurture children. Men have very low essential fat requirements at 2 to 3%.
Staying within the ideal body fat range is possible. Going too high compromises health as well as your shape. Going too low is a rare occurrence. It would be worth mentioning however, that going below the minimum body fat levels is also detrimental to your basic human functions.
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