Sunday, January 30, 2011

Effective Strategies For Life Long Weight Loss

Crash diets are not effective. They fail and crash down. You and I know that. Large numbers of dieters have tried many weight loss diets only to forsake them because they were too unyielding. Those who may have reached their goal discovered that after they stopped dieting, all the weight, and possibly even more, came back. We have to face the reality that only by making permanent changes that we can stick to in the long term can we lose weight and keep it off for the rest of our lives. Here are three simple but effective strategies for weight loss that you can incorporate into your life.

One strategy is to start and keep a personal food journal. It will grant you an awareness of the various things you put into your mouth. Most of our eating is done out of habit. Sadly, many of those habits that were the cause of our weight gain have been so deeply rooted that we tend to do them even unconsciously. Have your handy food journal with you all the time, anywhere you are, and list down every single item of food and drink that you consume each day and night, including gum. You should include the amount of food and drink taken, too. Total honesty with yourself is required. You will become more aware every time you are about to eat or drink anything because seeing all your bad habits day after day will alert you to them. Do research on the calorie counts of the food you eat. List down the food you should be eating and how much water you should be drinking every day so that you are guided accordingly. As your eating and drinking habits improve, your journal also serves as your motivation and inspiration.

A lot of people have also successfully applied the tactic of eating six small meals a day, spaced three hours apart, and using smaller plates at every meal. You do not have to take snacks when you are eating six meals a day. Our choices for snacks are often convenient but unhealthy because they are unplanned. Meals, on the other hand, are usually planned and prepared for so you can ensure healthy options for your six light meals. automatically, the use of smaller plates limits your portions. Remember not to pile food on your plate, though, and not to get second helpings. Even if you have to take some of those meals out of the house you can still use these strategies.

The third strategy is to start the habit of drinking green tea. That hunger pangs are reduced and metabolism is improved by this habit is a proven fact. Green tea is also full of antioxidants that are good for your health. Replace your coffee with green tea in the morning and throughout the day. You will soon find yourself wanting to eat less but burning more calories and fat.

Incorporating these three strategies into your life for the long term will effectively boost your weight loss efforts. Make them lifetime habits will ensure that you safely keep off your unwanted fats.

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Stamina 4825 Magnetic Recumbent Bike