Trying to build muscles is not compatible with just gorging on food indiscriminately. It will surely make you fat. You need to gain your weight and bulk not from unhealthy fat but from lean muscles. Learning what food you should eat to effectively build muscle mass instead of gaining fat is therefore very important. Stay away from sugar, starch, fast food and junk food should be something that you already know.
In order to enable your body to repair and build more muscles you need to eat a lot of complete protein . Your overall intake of calories should surpass whatever calories your body is using up. It is the surplus of calories that will be used by the body for muscle building. These calories should be from protein sources. For serious muscle building with intense weight lifting and endurance training, you need a daily supply of 1.8 grams of protein for every kilo of your body weight. You can compute weight in kilos by multiplying your weight in pounds by 2.2. Someone who weighs 154 in pounds therefore weighs 70 in kilos. That means 126 grams of protein is needed every day if you are doing intensive strength training.
Complete proteins contain all the nine essential amino acids that are needed by the body for muscle building. Proteins with a high biological value (BV) rating have the proper configuration of amino acids that enables the body to more efficiently absorb and use them. Your goal is, therefore, to choose a diet high in complete protein food and protein food with a high biological value rating. For your complete proteins you can turn to animal foods. The most prominent animal foods are meats, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and milk. Eggs, cow's milk, whey protein, soybeans, beef, cheese and fish, on the other hand, represent proteins with the highest BV ratings.
You should take multivitamins and antioxidants to supplement your diet and your muscle building workouts. To prevent free radicals from damaging your muscles you can take antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E, glutathione, glutamine and selenium. It should be noted that free radical damage is magnified by the physical trauma of strength training. You also need folic acid (vitamin B9), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and trimethylglycine (betaine) to prevent the abnormal increase of homocysteine levels or to reduce its level in your bloodstream. According to research, intense and lengthy workouts increase your homocysteine levels, which may cause blood clotting, heart disease, or stroke.
Your basic muscle building plan should, therefore, have a food plan that includes ample amounts of calories that are mostly from complete proteins and protein foods with a high biological value rating. Supplement this with a powerful multivitamin packed with nutrients and minerals, including vitamins, A, C, E, B9, B6, B12, Betaine, glutathione, glutamine and selenium. You will soon see the results reflected in your own body.
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