A lot of women find a buff body on a man to be very attractive. That's why most men do wieghtlifting as a part of their workout. It's a great way to improve your muscles and give you that adonis like physique. For your safety and for you to get grea results, there are some things you have to consider before you begin lifting weights.
The first thing you have to think about is your strength level. Your strength level will determine how heavy you should start lifting. Who wants to start immediately at 40 pounds when all you can do is 1 lift? The reason behind it is for you to avoid injuring yourself. A great thing to do to find out what weight you should start with is to do the 10 rep rule. You basically have to do 10 repetitions of lifting of the weight you want to start with. If you are still okay after that, the weight is too light for you. If before the tenth rep you are tired already, then the weight is too heavy. If you feel the strain after the tenth rep, then the weight is just right. This helps with preventing any future injutries to your muscles as well as help your muscles develop through a weight it can carry.
Make sure that your equipment are prepared and secure. Make sure to check as well if the weightlifting equipment you may have at home that you are using is still in the rght condition. Avoid storing weights in high places for the obvious reason that it can hurt someone. Another suggestion is to have someone with you to act as your spotter. A spotter can ensure your safety when you are doing lifting on a bench. Make sure that you also find a space that has a lot of room for you to move. It's harder to workout in a tight space and that can keep you from doing the workout right and may lead to an accident.
Remember that even if you push yourself over your limit, you would not get bigger muscles. You get hurt. When you're lifting, always listen to your body. Don't rush when you lift. It helps with improving your strength but it makes you more prone to getting hurt. Controlling your overall movement lets you keep the exercise focused on your target muscle. If you rush movements while working out, it can lead to unwanted muscle and joint stress and eventually develop other muscles you are not working on. Working out slowly does not mean that your muscle will develop in the same pace. You will eventually develop your strength and increase the weight you lift gradually when you do weight training.
Weight lifting is a great exercise to develop your body and boost your self esteem. Just be sure that you follow the necessary precautions before you start since this is also a potentially dangerous exercise.
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