"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." This was said by Oprah Winfrey encapsulating the benefits of running. The time and energy you give it are reciprocated through the numerous advantages it gives you. Running is not just an exercise for losing weight or maintaining your figure. It can also give you longer life. YES, you read it right, LONGER LIFE! Now, before you start thinking that I'm extolling what might be the key to eternal life or a new wonder drug, I am not. I am simply saying that running, a very ordinary even mundane activity. People who have two functional legs, can do something as simple as running. How can it?
There were studies done to prove how relevant running is to having a longer life. The reason might be because it requires a lot of energy. Exercising allows your body to be in the best condition. Then, let's try to look at the specific benefits of running.
Foremost, researches have proven that those who run are less likely to get certain diseases. To elaborate, those who run are more protected against heart disease. Running is a cardio-vascular exercise. Running conditions the heart and the body to its prime. The heart can pump the blood more quickly. Running burns the fats which may impede our blood circulation. People are less likely to get cancer and some neurological diseases if they run. Wait, that's not all, runners are less prone to disability. They do not acquire injury easily.
Still. do not forget that there are other alternatives to running. You will probably achieve the same effect from any habitual vigorous physical activity. I am merely pointing out that there have been studies done to confirm the benefits of running. Through these studies, we have confirmed that running extends your life. Most likely due to the low chances of a runner getting a certain terminal disease or injury. There probably are quite a lot of vigorous activities you know of which can be a substitute for running and give the same results. They most probably do not have running's simplicity and convenience. Their results won't be as thoroughly researched as running.
In closing, if you are looking for a simple but effective way to lose weight, choose running. If you need an effective exercise for that does not require complex movements, choose running. If you want to have an activity which has a broad range of proven benefits, choose running. If you want longer life, CHOOSE running.
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