Having strong and sexy arms will definitely look good on you. Aside from its aesthetic value, strong arms help you with your daily activities. If you are strong, life gets a bit easier. Women avoid weight lifting because they fear bulking up. It is not true. You will have toned and sleek arms with a good weight training plan. Triceps and biceps training should be included in your exercises. Super skinny arms are a thing of the past. Now is the time to have strong and sculpted arms.
You're doing your arm exercises religiously and you're not seeing results. In that case, something is definitely wrong. It is necessary for you to assess your entire fitness program. Maybe there's a layer of fat covering your arm. Perhaps you are exercising with too light weights. You can strengthen your upper body using resistance or weight training. You can use bands, cables, dumbbells or your own body weight. For you to give your arms a good workout, it is necessary to push yourself. When you are lifting too light weights, you are surely cheating to yourself. The amount of work you provide will predict the results you will harvest. As with all body parts, you cannot spot reduce. Working your whole body will make you get better results.
Women fear that they will bulk up once they engage in weight lifting. When you start training, the body tries to acclimatize itself to a new activity. You may feel that you are starting to get bigger. You will also get pumped up when you are weight lifting. You will then be able to eliminate the fat layer you have in your muscles. When you do, that's the time you'll be able to appreciate your sleek and well toned arms. You need to supplement weight training with cardio exercises in order to hasten weight loss. You will also shape up quickly if you have a well balanced diet.
Bicep curls and tricep extensions are the most common arm exercises. Some people have naturally puny biceps. Some have weak triceps muscles. More often than not, the body part which you love to work out is your strong body part. These body part usually responds and develops faster. Push ups are good arm exercises. And you can do it anywhere. If your arms are strong enough, you can do push ups in the plank position. This challenges your muscles more. There are lots and lots of exercises that target the arm muscles. A fitness trainer can help you decide which arm exercises will work best for you.
Having a strong pair of arms make you function better. Consistent arm exercises, when done correctly will produce satisfactory results. A good workout always challenges your muscles. You become satisfied with your workout when you know you've given it your best.
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