Fighting against fat is a concern for everybody. It is alarming to hear that more than half of the entire population is obese or overweight. Numerous health problems are associated as consequences of being obese or overweight. We can take steps in order to solve this problem and prevent health drawbacks in the future. You don't involve just your physical self in the battle against fat. It also involves your attitude towards it. Devising a good plan against fats is a good idea. Executing your plan, nonetheless, depends on you alone. Therefore, having a realistic plan is one of the elements of a winning combination in fighting fats. Your commitment in following through you plans is the other one.
You will lose 25% of your total muscle mass when you reach the age between 20 to 70. In order to stay alive, a pound of your muscles utilize 100 calories each day. You have to build your muscles since it is vital for fat and weight loss. You will be able to increase muscle mass and density with strength training. The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn. You have to be in the gym when you are developing your muscles. You can perform strength training exercises using your body weight, exercise bands dumbbells, kettle bells or machines. You can purchase exercise bands and a few pairs of dumbbell for a mini home gym. Commit to at least 2 strength training sessions per week. This is enough to keep your muscles toned. If you want to build more muscles, you may need at 3 to 4 strength training sessions per week.
Dieting is the accepted solution to weight gain. Going on a diet may work at first. You body shifts to starvation mode when your body percieves that there not enough food. This would mean that your body is conserving energy sources. It slows down metabolism. When it does, caloric expenditure is also decreased. Instead of going on a diet, try decreasing daily food intake by a small amount. This will keep the body from shifting into starvation mode. A 100 too 200 calorie cut may seem small but it all adds up.
You will be able to round up your simple fat loss plan by getting a lot of incidental activities. Modern living does not require much activity. Driving, working on your computer and watching TV are all sedentary activities. Most of our time however, is spent exactly doing these things. Incidental activities are things we do that require us to expend energy. Climb stairs instead of using the elevator. Use your bike to go to work if you can. Try for 100 minutes of incidental activities per week.
Fighting fat may be simple but not easy. If you want better health and a smaller girth, you have to work on it. Consider doing strength training. Subtract a small amount of calories from your daily food intake. Take every opportunity to move. Try doing these 3 things. Once you see improvements, it won't be long before you realize it's all worth it.
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