The holidays are considered to be very perilous for those who are weight conscious. The amount of weight one gains during the holidays varies between one to ten pounds. Sadly, a lot of people are not able to get rid of this weightgain after the holidays. All the gained weight for all the holidays that have passed will then add up. In the end, you will be overweight. Being obese and overweight can predispose you to a lot of health problems. Here are some things you should bear in mind in order to prevent or minimize gaining weight. Hopefully, they can provide you a lot more holidays to enjoy in the coming years.
Starving yourself prior to a party can leave you drowning amidst numerous consequences. Most people would compensate by not eating before and after an event. Your diet plan will surely be in great trouble when you are doing this strategy. Making yourself go hungry can make you eat a lot of high calorie party foods. Your metabolic activity can also be decreased when you are starving yourself. You should eat foods which are low in calorie but high in volume before the party instead of starving. You can manage your cravings with a few tasty morsels. Hunger is known to be a biological need that requires to be filled before it is satisfied. You should treat holiday delicacies just like what they are supposed to be treated. You should savor these treats. However, you should still include healthy food choices as your main food source. Fruits, vegetables and lots of fibers should also be included. These stabilize sugar levels and help minimize cravings.
You have to drink plenty of water during the entire day. Always make sure you have a bottle of water with you wherever you go. You can curb hunger by keeping yourself hydrated. Most often, people mistake thirst for hunger. Eating for the wrong reasons increases your total daily caloric consumption. Water can also fill you up just before eating at a party. Drink two cups of water while checking out the buffet table. You'll be able to choose wisely before filling up your plate. If you went all the way with the scrumptious food, try to make the next day's meals healthy. Studies show that eating healthy meals after a pig out can reverse some of its effects on cardiovascular health.
Eating fruits and vegetables prior to an event can make you eat less of the more sinful foods. Fruits and vegetables are known to contain less calories but with high volume. That means you can easily eat a lot of it but still stay within your daily caloric requirement. Ensure the success of your weight loss plan by maintaining a regular exercise regimen. The busy holiday season can make us neglect exercise. If you're tempted to do so, think again. Exercise creates caloric deficits when you are within your daily caloric budget. If you've had a little too much food, exercise can tip the odds in your favor.
Knowing the consequences of weight gain makes you more aware of its effects on your health. Being overweight is a problem a lot of people face. Doing something to prevent it is the right solution. Keeping a healthy weight is a lifelong responsibility to your self.
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