"You are what you eat" I have often been told this phrase. What does it mean? Do I become meat because I eat them? Am I a vegetable if I eat vegetables? I don't think that's the right way to understand it nor is it plausible. I believe this phrase is deeper than that. The meaning is not a secret. Honestly, we are conscious of its message. Eating requires putting something in our body. It merges with us. Its life and nutrients are taken by us. This is for our health and for our lives. Food can bring both beneficial and harmful effects. Foods can be nutritious or unhealthy. So, what foods are nutritious or unhealthy?
Nutritious foods are rich in a few or many kinds of vitamins and minerals. They are needed for the performance, strengthening and sustenance of our body. They are usually taken from vegetables like carrots, horse radish, squash and cucumber. They can also come from fruits like banana, grapes, tomato and apple. But the most complete food we have is milk. It is very nutritious. So, you better drink one glass everyday.
But foods that are not nutritious do not have a significant number of nutrients. Foods that are not nutritious are usually mouth-watering but they may contain harmful substances which can harm you. Example, preservatives that are used in goods that are canned may cause cancer. Also, junk food. We call it junk because our body basically has no use for it. Carbonated beverages in your body can cause urinary tract infection. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can destroy your liver and kidney. Short-term enjoyment from junk food cannot compensate for the chronic pain it can bring.
I would like to emphasize that eating right does not necessarily mean discarding all foods that are not nutritious. Moderation can also be the meaning of eating right. Eating right is eating just the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats and oil. Because even these nutrients once taken too much can also cause harm. For example, having too much carbohydrates, fats and oils in your body can cause obesity. In contrast, if you have too little vitamin D, you can get a disease called rickets. Too much or too little of anything can be harmful. Moderation is probably the key to eating right.
In closing, I would like to remind you that eating right is as important as breathing because they both keep our body alive and well. Eating right is eating in moderation, eating just the amount your body needs or can take. More importantly, eating right is just a portion of the equation to achieve a healthy body you also need to drink lots of water and to EXERCISE!
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