After a long exhausting day, all we want to do is tuck ourselves in bed and get some sleep. But there are times that we think too much when we lie down that we don't get enough shut eye and when we open them, the sun's up again. There are medicines available to help you get some sleep but the problem is that it makes you dependent on the drug just to get sleep. This would turn out to be expensive in the long run. You can start working out instead so you can get a better sleep and save money on those medications.
Exercise has been known to help with insomnia. Insomnia is often caused by some sort of depression that makes us think a lot when we go to bed. Stress is often one factor that leads to depression. Exercise makes our brain release serotonin and endorphin which help with making us feel good. This causes stress levels to stay low and keeps depression at bay giving us a better night's sleep. You are also able to deal with stress when you workout because you are given a moment alone so you can sort through your stressors.
Another thing that exercise can help with is geting you tired so you can get some sleep. The more intense your workout is, the more relaxed you would feel when you sleep. It sounds simple but if you don't have exercise then you won't get as tired and relaxed when you sleep than those who do. Obesity, lhigh blood pressure and blood sugar, which are a few factors to lack of sleep, can be avoided with regular exercise. Obesity also makes it harder for oxygen to flow to your brain which causes obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when there is not enough oxygen that's being circulated on our blood causing an interruption to sleep.
Most workout will help you with getting a better sleeping pattern. It's mostly a question of when rather than what. Doing it close to your bed time will not help even if exercise can get you tired because it gives you an elevated heart rate making you more alert. Early morning is ideally the right time to exercise but most people find it hard to squeeze exercise in their morning routines because of work. That's fine. You can still exercise early evening after work since you still have some time before going to bed. Just remember to give at least an hour to allow your heart rate to return to normal so you can get a relaxing sleep.
Sleep is very important and lack of sleep causes many unwanted complications. Start working out now so you can have more relaxed, stress free days.
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