Busy Work Schedules Don't Stop Fitness
Sometimes a person wants so much to get fit but feels limited by his job description. For example, he may need to spend nearly all of his time in the office, being left with very little time at home other than to go straight to bed. And the cycle continues day after day after day. No matter how much he desires to get some exercise, it seems impossible because there really is no time to hit the gym or play the sports he really enjoys. Of course, it is not that difficult for an individual to squeeze in sufficient exercise into his daily routine once he knows how.
Firstly, you need to realize that adding movement into your day is not necessarily limited to a formal workout strategy. If you work in a building and park your car outdoors, you can park in a much farther space and get more walking into the day. You can also climb the stairs instead of using the elevator, as this is a tremendous plus to your daily movement need.
In terms of food, you can make healthy choices even in the midst of stressful situations. Although the corporate office is usually filled with high-stress circumstances, it will still be possible to steer clear of emotions-based eating. The major key, it would seem, is to have your own stock of healthier alternatives, like nuts and fruits, and not depend on the vending machine's stock of candy and chips. After all, when you are already in a pressure-packed situation, you will no longer be able to think straight and will most likely pick the high-sugar, high-fat chocolate bar and the can of sugar-laden soda to wash it down.
In addition to the daily increase in movement and the healthier eating choices, you can also combat the stress as well as the physical sluggishness by taking five-minute breaks of walking around the building. Although you may say it will make you even later for a deadline, the truth is that when you are better rested, you will be more productive and efficient. Also, the extra butt-moving activity will also curb your constant dependence on food as a stress-reliever, and you will find yourself getting weaned from emotional eating.
Once you begin to apply these easy tips for improving your health while being busy at work, you will find that the healthier body comes in response to an overall change in lifestyle. The effects will be even more longstanding than those that you can get from a sudden but short-lived interest in the gym. Once you see that it is possible to slip in a few extra minutes of exercise, you will also be motivated to do the same at home, sometimes even working out while watching TV instead of putting it on an entirely separate schedule. You will find that this will prove more effective in the long run, since, after all, time is of the essence.
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