Reducing calorie intake would probably be the easiest way to create calorie deficit. We certainly have limitations when it comes to the number of calories that we can slash out of our daily intake. Metabolic activity may decrease once there is a huge amount of calories taken away from our daily consumption. It also promotes muscle loss which further decreases metabolic activity. Making calorie deficits is easy. Nutritional strategies to create calorie deficits though have its limits. Getting too low on it may actually cause more serious problems.
Limiting food intake in order to make calorie deficits is a method which everybody can do to lose fats. Almost everyone in their lifetime has gone on a calorie restricted diet to lose fat. However, there are some who take too far. When this occurs, it is called crash diet. Calorie restriction to lose fat should be implemented based on your basal metabolic rate. In this way, you will make sure that you follow the way your body naturally functions. A 15 to 20% cut in your daily caloric requirement is reasonable. In some cases, improvements are seen after 25 to 30% cut. Increasing your activity levels, however, is still a better option. The body may not immediately react to minimal calorie cuts but a larger dietary deficit can immediately slow down metabolic rate.
Caloric expenditure formulas, no matter how accurate they claim to be, are still approximations. Having an observation of your progress is still the most reliable way of determining your fat loss progress. It may be useful to have the mirror however it is like watching the grass grow. It would be more practical to measure your weight as well as measure body composition through skin fold measurement. You should keep a weekly chart to assess your progress. Only through this will you be able to accurately determine if your fat loss plan is effective.
If you have tried to set goals for your fitness plan, you would have come across an advice that encourages you to be clear on what you want to achieve. It is sound advice because you cannot possibly lose large amounts of fat and at the same time develop huge muscles. It is not physiologically possible unless you have any of the following conditions. One is if you are on steroids or fat burning drugs. Another one is if you are a beginner and your body is just starting to adapt to the challenge of exercise. The next is if you are an advanced trainee whose muscles has lain dormant for a while. The fourth condition is having a genetically superior body which is extremely rare. For us who do not belong to these groups, a more reasonable expectation would be to lose a small amount of fat and develop big muscles or vice versa.
It is very common among fitness enthusiasts to create calorie deficits to lose fats. Just know how far you can go to avoid jeopardizing your fitness plan and your health.
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