Monday, February 7, 2011

Setting Goals For Fitness Success

Goals take you from where you are to where you want to go. Goals give us motivation, direction, driving us into action. Life becomes a series of cycle without it. You consider getting the body you desire as a general goal. You have to break it down to the last detail so that you'll be able to reach it without compromises. Your achievements will depend upon your goals and what you are willing to do to realize it. Your goals greatly depend on how far you would like to reach in your dreams.

You tend to get vague and unsure answers when you ask people what they would like to achieve in their fitness programs. "I want to lose weight" is an example of a goal that needs to be more specific. Narrow it down to the last detail. How many pounds do you want to drop? What vital statistics measurements would you like to have? Make sure that these goals are measurable. In fitness, the mirror, tape measure and weighing scale are basic measuring tools. If possible, you also need to get your body fat measurement. A skin fold test is the basic way of measuring it. One good way of determining your progress is through the base data.

Set ambitious goals. Setting very conservative goals means you're short changing yourself. You will not be able to maximize your potential by expecting mediocre results out of your efforts. a lot of people would usually get scared of reaching for higher or bigger goals. This will make you acquire only things that you think you can. You have to aim for things you want and not just those you think you can when you are setting your goals. If you put your mind to it, you will surely be surprsed of what you can achieve. You should aim high but remember to set realistic deadlines. Losing weight is different from losing fat. Losing weight can mean losing water and muscles, which is not a good thing. "Lose fourteen pounds in seven weeks is a time bound, realistic and specific goal.

Set long and short term goals. Determine the reasons behind your goals. An emotionally driven goal is more powerful than goals conceived by the mind. Emotional reasons can range from fear of death or disability to proving you're a better catch than the one your former boyfriend married. Use them to fire you up and motivate you to achieve your maximum potential. Establishing the purpose of your goals early on keeps you focused and feeds your determination to do what you have to do.

Setting goals are important if we want to get what we aspire for. Staying positive by focusing on our achievements is the right way to fuel our motivation. Break down your goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals. It gives you something to work on and look forward to everyday.

Over at the, you can let our expert advice on fitness and equipment reviews help you create the perfect home gym but without all the huge costs. We have the exclusive reviews on all your favorite brands and models to help you get in shape, get healthy and look great. Recent product reviews include: Suunto T3D Heart Rate Monitor Watch, Teeter Hang Ups Dex II Decompression Machine, Stamina 1690 Power Tower, Suunto M5 Heart Rate Monitor Watch. We invite you to stop by or drop us a line if you have any questions or need help with your fitness equipment selections.

Suunto T3D Heart Rate Monitor Watch