People may also hibernate during the winter months just some animals. Even in these modern times. In fact, 30% of us don't get any exercise at all during these cold months. It's easy to get lazy in the cold months. Mother Nature has given you a perfect excuse to do so. But, you are aware that it is damaging to be inactive especially to your health and your efforts to lose weight. We are all aware that starting over is the most difficult part of your fitness plan. Procrastination can be your worst adversary. Maintaining an active lifestyle in winter will help you keep you fitness goals.
Consuming a lot of calories as well as being less active are the main reasons for weight gain in any season. Specifically, this is what happens during the winter season. Studies show that fat gained in winter is not easy to reverse. You can do outdoor exercises for you to stay active during the winter season. You can walk or jog or even engage in winter sports as long as there is a good weather outside. You have to consider your safety at all times. Dress appropriately. You should remember to layer your clothes as well as slap a hat on your head. Wear shoes that provide deep traction to prevent slipping. You have to drink lots of water. The cold weather stimulates urination and makes you less sensitive to thirst.
Indoor exercises include joining a gym and engaging in indoor sports. Just get a three month membership to get you through the winter. Basketball, volleyball and badminton can be played indoors. Indoor rock climbing is also a good foul weather exercise alternative. That is, if you're not afraid of heights. Improving your balance and flexibility is easy with Yoga and Pilates. It also develops core stability. Best of all, it relaxes your body.
Having exercise options at home is convenient. When the weather is miserable, you can still get fit at home. There is a lot of exercise equipment available in the internet. You can choose what's right for you and for your budget. Exercise programs on TV are also helpful. Or you can purchase exercise videos. Yoga, Pilates, aerobics, belly dancing. You name it; you bet it's on video. You can do housework and workout at the same time. Mopping, scrubbing and gardening can raise your heart and breathing rate. Just do it vigorously.
Making the most of the winter months is part of your commitment to fitness. The cold weather may tire you out easily. Your motivation may be at its lowest. Nature may have given you a valid excuse to skip your exercise plan. But it doesn't mean you are left with no choices. You have. And you can.
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