Permanent weight loss is considered as an everyday challenge. You can inquire from a person who has experienced it. Fad diets just come and go. It is effective for a short time, true. Nonetheless, we get the lost weight back after we return to our regular diet. To make weight loss permanent, we need a diet plan that we can sustain. People are incapable of living with an overly restrictive diet plan. It is detrimental to over all health. Certainly, the main focus of weight loss is for you to achieve good health. The aesthetic benefits are just icing on top of the cake.
It is necessary for you to know your daily calorie requirement. This can be your base line data. You may utilize the Harris Benedict principle for you to calculate your basal metabolic rate. Your body needs energy in order to function and that is what you call BMR. Basic bodily functions like breathing make up 60% of your total daily caloric needs. Other things such as your age, sex, height and weight can also influence your BMR. You can search for the Harris Benedict principle in the internet. For example, your daily caloric requirement based on the Harris Benedict principle is 1500 calories. If you want to maintain your weight, you need to eat the same amount of calories. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat less. There are 3500 calories in a pound.
Having knowledge regarding the caloric amount of basic foods can assist you as you achieve your weight goals. Rather than eating 3 big meals everyday, you should consume 5 to 6 small meals. It would be best for you to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Foods like these contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They are rich in fiber and contain lesser calories. Read food labels. It would be best to learn about what the food you eat contains. A balanced meal consists of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat.
Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grain products, fruits and vegetables. It would also be helpful to know the approximate size of a single serving of basic foods. For example, one serving of lean meat is approximately the size of your palm. Try to eliminate high sugar drinks and juices. Nuts can be your best bet for snacks. It is high in protein and good fats. A handful can assuage afternoon hunger pangs easily.
A good weight loss plan does not only work in the short term. When we embark on a goal such as this, we should expect to work on it. Everything that is worth keeping does not come easily. We should expect the same when it comes to our health.
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