It is harder to find time nowadays to workout. There's so much to do at so little time that we end up forgetting some other things that we need to take care of. And one of those things is finding time for ourselves to workout. Working out is the best way to stay healthy and to get that body we want. That's why most busy people end up working out from home instead. When we lose weight, the next thing we end up looking for from our exercise are the improvements. Some people actually have a checklist of their improved body parts and the chest are probably on that list. The muscles in our chest, called pectorals or just pecs, are actually an easy muscle to target.
We all know that push ups s the number one exercise for our chest. Push ups actually targets several muscles but gets the chest first. There are a lot of versions of push ups available now but you can get a more defined chest by sicking to the original push up. It is important that you do the right form when doing push ups so you get to work your chest. You can get the maximum effect of a push up for your chest by doing it slowly and that also helps you avoid injuries. You can do about as many as your body can, rest for a minute and do another 2 sets.
Another exercise you can do for your chest are the flys and dumbbell presses. You would need a bench and some weights for both exercises. To do the flys, lie down on the bench and, with your palms facing your chest, hold 2 dumbbells to the side of your chest. Bend your arms and keep your shoulders and elbows on the same level. Slowly lower both weights so that your chest is stretched then push up slowly as well until both dumbbells are almost touching. You actually have to do the exact same thing for the dumbbell press but your palms would have to face the direction of your feet. Repeat both workouts for about 10 to 15 times and try to complete at least 3 sets.
Isolation is an important part of getting a more defined chest but you need to remember that your chest is close to your heart and lungs so you have to stop yourself from over training. Make sure that you allow your muscles to recover by not exercising for more than 4 times a week and that any weights you will be using is the right weight for you.
Seeing how our body changes because of our exercise is such a great feeling. It makes us feel good about ourselves and we have to admit that it makes us sexier.
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