People exercise to get fit. Working out may result in mild muscle soreness while frank pain may be because of injury. Most exercises carry a certain amount of injury risk. However, there are certain exercises that pose greater risks to your well being. Your fitness success depends on your ability to execute exercises that show results. You will be able to save a lot of grief if you know which exercises can hinder your success.
Lat pull downs behind the head are performed by sitting on a machine with a weighted cable bar overhead. You reach for the bar and pull it over your head and neck. There is a possibility that you will hit the back of the neck with the bar which will then cause injury. If you have weak shoulder joints, the risk of shoulder impingement is a real threat. Instead, use a narrower grip and bring the bar down in front of you, to the breastbone. Military presses behind the head carry the same potential for injury as lat pull downs. Instead of isolating the shoulders, choose exercises that work the shoulders as well as the large muscles.
Upright rows have the potential to impinge the shoulder, compressing the nerves. Performing bent over rows is a better alternative. This is an exercise which utilizes your back muscles and your biceps which is much safer. Bend forward at the hips and hold weights down beneath the shoulders. The weights should be lifted towards the sides of your body. After going back to your original position, you may repeat the entire routine. Lateral and front shoulder raises can also replace upright rows. Improper footwear use can also predispose you to some injuries. It can increase joint stress and may cause tendinitis or plantar fasciitis. You should opt for a pair of shoes that fits you very well. It is also best to have a specific pair of shoes for a particular workout.
Lying leg press can do damage to your spine if you bend your knees too deeply. Usually heavy weights are used because you are working the big muscles of the legs. This exercise can potentially damage your back muscles, the spinal discs and your knees. Instead, you should perform squats and lunges using your own body weight. Improperly using a cardio machine based on your capacity might give you lots of problems. You should not utilize steep inclines in the treadmill if you are not up to it. You should maintain proper form. You should utilize handrails if you want to get your balance. However, holding on to it for the duration of your workout means you have to decrease your pace.
Exercise related injuries can be a serious setback. If you want to improve your health, you should avoid this. Getting an exercise related injury is the opposite of what you are aiming to achieve.
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