Most people have experienced having a bloated feeling. It may be because of the foods we eat. A bloated belly, though, may hamper your style. When bloated, people may add up to 2 inches on their waists. A distended belly can be caused by some diseases. According to experts, a healthy person may have a distended belly because of intestinal gas. Numerous factors are responsible for the build up of intestinal gas. The digestive system is the focus of everything. Not all, however, concerns food.
Constipation is caused by having low fiber and low fluid diet plus zero exercise. This will further cause bloating. Women should consume 25 grams of fiber daily. 38 grams is the requirement for men. Foods which are rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. You need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluids. You have to stay active. You should have at least 30 minutes workout each day. Consult your doctor and see if you have any food intolerance. Wheat can provide you with a lot of fiber. However, getting a bloated belly is possible if you are intolerant to it. You have to eat slowly. There is a possibility that you will swallow air if you are eating too fast. Avoid bloating by chewing your food well.
Carbonated drinks cause gas to get trapped in your belly. Drink water instead. You will surely swallow a lot of air if you are chewing gum all day long. Instead, you should try sucking a piece of hard candy. Eating fruits and vegetables would also help you reach your daily fiber requirement. Sugar free foods are devils in disguise. Artificially sweetened foods contain ingredients that make you bloat. Diet soda is both carbonated and sugar free. Try to keep your artificially sweetened food and drinks to a minimum.
Your daily sodium requirement is 2300 milligrams per day. Usually, refined foods have high sodium and low fiber content. This contributes to feeling bloated. Beans and legumes are high in fiber. They are also known as gas forming foods. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are also gas forming. You will surely feel bloated once you are not used to eating this foods. You don't have to forego them altogether. Legumes, beans and cruciferous vegetables are nutrient rich foods. Introduce them slowly to your diet. Your body will eventually get used to these healthy foods.
If you're stressing over how your belly grew big overnight, don't fret. Most likely, it's gas. You can minimize this through a low fiber diet, consumption of lots of water and having sufficient exercise. You must also take note of gas forming foods. Also, habits that promote air swallowing. You should be aware of the culprits of bloating your belly. That way, you'll be more likely to avoid them.
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